Sep 4, 2010

The order - Beginning the army

Sep 4, 2010
I say beginning the army, I really mean buying the meat and bones of the army. The original idea of start small and work up got thrown out the window when the place im ordering from gives more discounts when you buy more :/

All in all, I think I shall be ordering the following, to add to my currently owned Bloodthirster.

1x Skulltaker
1x Masque
1x Keeper of Secrets
30x Pink Horrors
30x Daemonettes
30x Bloodletters
6x Bloodcrushers
6x Flamers
5x Flesh Hounds

All coming in at around the 300 euro mark. 

I'm also going to pick up a copy of Island of Blood this weekend to get the rulebook. The Elves are already accounted for, so I'll have some skaven to try and flog off, hopefully wont be too hard. That or I'll paint a few up for the hell of it!

I may stick some pictures of my mangled bloodthirster up tonight too, if I can hunt out my camera.



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